Sunday, April 27, 2008

Celebration Dinner for FFC Girls

We are proud of the 9 FFC girls who completed their 10th Standard or Plus 2 Exams. These standards are the most difficult academic years in the Indian high school system.
FFC visitors Katie and Geoff took them out for a dinner in Coimbatoire to celebrate their success.

It was an evening enjoyed by all.
Congratulations girls!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The FFC Main House cement wall has been renovated

This years group of visiting York School students and teachers put in alot of hard physical labour to completely redo the main house front cement wall. They spent many, many hours in the hot sun breaking down the old wall with sledge hammers. The York group then funded a mason to refinish the wall with fresh cement and paid for the paint.
Katie organized a work crew of FFC boys to paint the new wall and then had every child put their handprint in color on it.

Thanks very much to the York School Group for this. Their hard work has really improved the look of our main property!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Arun, a Families For Children Success Story

Arun came to us when he was only 5 days old and grew up at Families for Children. He always had a love of music as well as real talent, particularly drumming. He enrolled in music college 2 years ago and currently lives in a hostel near his school in Coimbatore. FFC funded his education.

Arun has set impressive goals for himself and has already accomplished quite abit in his 21 years. He founded an organization called Youth Helping Hands (YHH) to assist children living in orphanages to reach their maximum potential through education, music and dance.

Youth Helping Hands is less than 2 yrs old and currently works with 16 orphanages across Coimbatore. YHH has organized a number of well attended fundraising events to showcase the musical or dancing talents of the children. One thousand people attended the YHH event held in February, including the mayor of Coimbatore. Arun hopes to set up a scholarship fund to assist children from orphanages with higher education.
(Families for Children does support our children who excel in school through post secondary education, but many organizations do not).

We are very proud of Arun and will keep you updated on Youth Helping Hands.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Celebration Dinner for FFC Boys

We are proud to report that 6 FFC boys have completed their 10th and Plus 2 standard exams this year. These 2 grades are particularly challenging and very important years in the Indian School System. To congratulate and encourage the boys, FFC visitors Katie, Manoj and Geoff took the group to Nilgiris Restaurant in Coimbatore for a celebration dinner.
They had a great meal which was enjoyed by all.
Well done boys!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Compost is now a go!

We now have a composting project running at FFC! There are 14 compost bins in the various areas of FFC, collecting waste from cooking and vegetable and fruit peelings. Every day at 11:45 sharp a group of staff deliver lunch from the main kitchen to the other houses and pick up the compost at the same time. The compost bins are then emptied into one of our six large vermicompost bins located beside the goat farm. This in turn will soon convert into mulch to nurture the garden areas and coconut groves around the project.