Sunday, April 19, 2009

York School Visit 2009

India is the most incredible place in the world. I learned so much during my experience there and I have met some of the most genuine and appreciative people in the world. Going to India was the opportunity of a lifetime. Everyone at FFC embraces you with such love and you always feel welcome. I tried so many new things – every day was a new adventure. I can’t even begin to express how big of an impact this trip has had on me.
It has been a dream of mine to come here since the trip first got started and finally I am able to experience it. Six years of waiting, and now it’s gone by in the blink of an eye. But I have never been able to say something so confidently before, I know that I’ll be returning to FFC someday. I cannot just say bye to this place forever because FFC and I will forever be connected. I know that some of us are planning on sponsoring kids – I am trying to set up sponsorship for a girl named Subasidy who, being unable to speak, says so much through her beautiful smile. She will also play a huge part in inspiring me to come back in a few years time.
Going to India has changed my perspective on life and the way that I live. Since I’ve been home I have been more appreciative of the things that I have because at FFC everyone is so grateful for what they have, which isn’t much compared to us back in Canada. FFC is an orphanage for children with no family, but as the name says, it really is a family for these kids, and being a part of that family is the greatest thing in the world. I will never forget those 3 weeks I spent in India. I made some great friendships and I hope that I had as big an impact on these kids as they’ve had on me. Thanks again to everyone who made this unforgettable experience possible.

By: Leah Bandler, York School, Toronto

Friday, April 10, 2009

Annapoorini's Walkway

Annapoornie is an 8 year old girl who has been with FFC for 3 years. Annapoornie is completely blind, she attends the FFC school. The FFC teacher for the visually impaired suggested that we create a walkway that will allow Annapoornie to navigate between the school and the listening centre and the school and the girl's dorm independently.
In January of this year volunteers Rajiv Kalsi and John Richards spent hours in the hot sun creating the walkways for Annapoornie. Below are photos of her with her teacher on one of the first test walks.

Senthil Kumar's Marriage

Senthil Kumar an ex- FFC boy was married on March 8, 2009. His wife's name is Ravathy. Senthil Kumar arranged his own marriage with the help of neighbours. He held the reception at FFC and paid for most of of expenses himself. Santhil Kumar completed 10th standard at school and works at a socks manufacturing company.

We wish the new couple much happiness and success in their new life together.