Monday, June 28, 2010

Dhaka Project- Fun Activities

The children at the Dhaka Project had an activities day. The photos show them enjoying themselves with games and projects.

Dhaka Project Montessori School

The FFC Dhaka Project has a Montessori School on site. Below are photos of the children in the classes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pain Protocol Inservice for Baby Room

Dini Lusney a pediatric nurse from BC Childrens Hospital in Vancouver presented an inservice to the babyroom ayahs, nurses and doctor on the pain protocol used for infants at her hospital.
She included non pharmaceutical methods such as swaddling, patting, warm compresses and soothers to minimize discomfort of IV starts, blood tests or NG feeding tube insertions.
She also presented a pain scale and desribed how to assess pain severity based on facial expressions, hand position or leg movement.
It was a very helpful inservice which we will implement right away.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

FFC School Trip January 2010

Charlotte a visitor from Belgium organized a trip for the children attending the FFC school. She rented 2 vehicles and took 49 children and 11 staff on a day trip.
They visited a dam, a snake park and an aquarium.
The children loved the snakes and fish and had a very enjoyable day.