Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Indrani's Marriage

Indrani came to FFC through childline when she was 17 yrs old. She worked at FFC in the silk project. Indrani keeps in contact with her sister who is studying in a hostel in Coimbatore.
Indrani is 23 years old now and married a young man from Coimbatore. Her husband's name is Vijay Kumar. He works in a petrol bunk as a cashier. They had a Hindu Wedding date- May 26th 2008 and the reception was at FFC. Indrani has been back to visit FFC since her wedding but seems to be happily situated in her new home.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

John Graham

John Graham was born in 1983, he grew up at Families for Children. He moved out in 2000 and has been working as a cook in a hotel. He and his friends from the hotel have started to donate school books to the FFC children. They now would like to donate a special meal for each section at FFC every month. They will cook the meal themselves. This will be a real treat for the FFC children.

We are very proud that he has grown into such a responsible young man and happy to have him return to help the others. Below is a photo of John Graham and one of him donating notebooks to our older boys.