Friday, April 10, 2009

Annapoorini's Walkway

Annapoornie is an 8 year old girl who has been with FFC for 3 years. Annapoornie is completely blind, she attends the FFC school. The FFC teacher for the visually impaired suggested that we create a walkway that will allow Annapoornie to navigate between the school and the listening centre and the school and the girl's dorm independently.
In January of this year volunteers Rajiv Kalsi and John Richards spent hours in the hot sun creating the walkways for Annapoornie. Below are photos of her with her teacher on one of the first test walks.


Kelly said...

What an amazing girl! I miss the jingle of your ankles Annapoorini.

Anonymous said...

Cool design of walkway :) I wonder that does she has white cane? Does she learning how to read braille yet?